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what is the problem of my dem?

08-29-2022 02:06 AM
New Contributor

I made dem from 10m-countour(create tin→tin to raster→fill).

I'm trying to calculate slope and aspect with this dem.

But it just gives me an error message 999998.

I read an article that using geoprocessing background can affect on 

Is there any problem with my dem?






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I would suggest that you also share a screenshot of your Raster Information for the current raster layer. There might be crucial information that might tell a bit more of the problem.

Have you tried to export your raster to a different format like a GeoTiff or to a file geodatabase? 

On StackExchange there is a suggestions to change the processing to foreground instead o background. You can change this in the Geoprocessing > Geoprocessing Options. arcgis desktop - ERROR 999998: Unexpected Error - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange.

Some has also suggested that the maximum number of unique values to render could trigger an Error 999998. The solution is to change the value under ArcMap Options, in the Raster Tab, the setting 'Maximum number of unique values to render' to a lower value. Solved: Re: Error 999998: Unexpected Error in most 10.6 Sp... - Esri Community.

Christian Brogaard Pedersen
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