Hi. I do not know much English . I know you opened this thread in the wrong place . I have written here for did not know where to write . I apologize for that .
Here is to ask friends to help on a topic . I'm making a game with my cousin and a friend . The game will be a race car game . We want to make it exactly the modeling of a real city . I wanted to make the city using the City Engine . But many could not. Game making use of the CryENGINE . Modeled after the city , and then edit the CryENGINE pass on 3Ds Max . However, the exact shapes and models in a real need to Istanbul . The friends want to help on this issue . Do you have people who can help us as a volunteer ? Our game will be F2P game will also talk with the company after graduating from Crytek . Send our demo version of the game has already asked them after midnight . And friends who joined us , play with us, then maybe you could continue construction . The decision is yours. We need your help .
Thank you very much in advance .
Those who want to reach us write me a message at fb.me/ululemr.
Our game's official Facebook page : fb.me/HizTutkusuResmi