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Textures-from-basemap rule doesn't work in ArcGIS Pro

05-11-2016 08:24 AM
Frequent Contributor

I'm using a CityEngine rule to texture building roofs in an area, using a single aerial photo. When I try to use the rule (exported as rpk with the aerial photo included) in AG Pro, the texture is being applied as far as I can tell, but not properly - it seems as if the same bit is being applied to every building. Since it's not possible to change the attributes of a procedural fill layer on a per-shape basis like in CE(?), does this mean that this texturing method can't be used in AGP?

(The projection's the same and meter-based).

Here's the relevant CGA:

RoofTextureFromBasemap --> 
  setupProjection(0, world.xz, Map_Size_X, Map_Size_Z) 
  set(material.colormap, Map_Path_Aerial)
  translateUV(0, -Map_Offset_X/Map_Size_X, -Map_Offset_Z/Map_Size_Z) 

Screenshot(s), top CE, bottom AGP:


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8 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Interesting. I have not tried this before, but it might be that the global coordinate system in CE is defined differently than it is in pro...which would make some sense. Are you using a similar coordinate system between the two? Is the CityEngine aerial imagery you are using georeferenced in a similar coordinate system? (That may not even fix the problem because CityEngine does not really have conventional spatial references).

David Wasserman, AICP
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I'm using the same coordinate system across all programs. All the data is in the same cs as well. I thought decimal degree might cause problems but it's the same with meter-based cs too. I tried coming up with a few solutions* but found nothing so far that I'd call acceptable..

*Using world-aligned textures for roofs

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Are you using another image layer in Pro to sample from, or are you trying to use the pro base maps? I don't think you can sample base maps, but also I am still unclear if the feature for sampling for texturing exists in CGA for Pro yet.
CGA in ArcGIS Pro

This might be helpful, we might want to revisit this thread to see if Chris Wilkins can clarify sampling capabilities/what needs to be done use them if they can be. 

David Wasserman, AICP
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by Anonymous User
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You can't sample the way CGA does in CityEngine. If you were sampling data, then you would use GP tools to get data from other layers onto the shapes you run the RPK on. But for sampling a terrain image, I don't know of any way to do that. There's a lot of things I don't know. But I do know SOH CAH TOA.

Frequent Contributor

Yeah well, we are all learning together now Chris XD. Thanks for clarifying.

You are REALLY good with that SOH CAH TOA, King of Triangles.

David Wasserman, AICP
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Frequent Contributor

I guess I'll try extracting some image bits and somehow rotating/rectifying them.

Also, triangles: Can JAM Project make ANYthing awesome? [Triangles AMV] - YouTube

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Frequent Contributor

Nah, I'm sampling the aerial image used in CE. It gets packed up with the RPK. If I export the models as multipatch, the image is added entirely, once for each shape

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Frequent Contributor

Got it. Then it might just be a limitation of Pro then.

PS: That Triangle Video is sick.

David Wasserman, AICP
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