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Serious problem with Edit/Create TIN - Breaklines are ignored.

10-28-2011 07:20 PM
Honored Contributor
I never had issues with this in previous version of ArcGIS. Here is my problem:

1st scenario:
1. Launch the Edit Tin tool and add TIN and Breakline (the breakline is a 3D line that is different from the surface elevation)
2. Edit Tin processing finished without errors. No change to TIN -> Breakline was ignored

2nd scenario:
1.  Launch the create TIN tool and add point cloud (masspoints) as well as breaklines
2. Create TIN process finishes sucesfully. ONLY MASSPOINTS were used by the process. Breaklines were ignored.

I tried HARDERASE with polygons and this too is NOT WORKING!

What on earth is going on? I'd like ESRI staff to take look at this.

Tried to upload the data (Masspoints and breaklines) but apparently I am not able to as I am getting some sort of gateway errors.  Maybe the site is having a meltdown too.   (Will try later)
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9 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Please log a Support Incident and we will be glad to.  The Analyst can take a look at the data and see what is going on and log a bug if necessary.  I have not had any issues with the using of Breaklines in TINs.
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Honored Contributor
Please log a Support Incident and we will be glad to.  The Analyst can take a look at the data and see what is going on and log a bug if necessary.  I have not had any issues with the using of Breaklines in TINs.

Thanks, The data is 2.69 MB and it is not letting me upload it here as it is too large a file.
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Esri Regular Contributor
For instances like this, a Support incident is the most efficient way.  You should hear a response by phone/chat immediately or via email within a few hours.  That is the most efficient method to a resolution.  Forums can be answered by anyone, but if timeliness and personal attention are what you desire, then log an incident.
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Honored Contributor
thanks @jbswain - i logged an incident report yesterday morning as per your recommendation and provided the assigned case worker with screen captures and data.  Still waiting to hear back...
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Deactivated User
Any progress on this?  I'm running into the exact same problem. 

1) I can create a tin from the breaklines, then try and add the mass points.  Result, just the tin from breaklines, mass points are ignored. 

2) Create the tin from mass points.  Add the breaklines, breaklines are ignored.

3) Create a tin from mass points and breaklines, both are represented.

4) Try and add additional mass points to #3, no points are added!

I need to do this in steps because if I try and run the entire study area (lidar mass points), ArcMap just crashes!

This is on top of spending a half an hour just finding the darn Tin creation and editing functions that used to be in the Toolbar.  The desktop hep doesn't even mention that all fo the functionality is now in the Toolbox!
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Honored Contributor
Any progress on this?  I'm running into the exact same problem.

I sent the data to the ESRI Analyst and they were able to create the TIN with the breaklines. I then tried it on the same data i sent them and it worked. I am still unable to add anything to an existing TIN though.  Again they were able to do this successfully on their end but I am still running into the problem where I pretty much cannot edit an existing TIN.

The latest suggestion from ESRI that I have not yet tried because it requires me to ditch my template, custom toolboxes and models is this:

1. Close ArcMap and ArcCatalog
  2. Go to C : Users \ (profile) \ AppData \ Roaming
3. Rename the ESRI folder to OldESRI
4. Run the tools again to see if the results are correct this time
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Deactivated User
That seems to be the standard answer.  Delete your user profile, templates, customizations, normal.mxt, etc. and try again.  Sometimes this works, but I find that it is usually something deeper than that.

Here's what I just figured out.

1) I was just able to build my complete tin without a crash by putting it in the default location (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\ArcGIS\Default.gdb). 

2) Note that the default location is in the Default.gdb, which is a File GDB.  GDB's do not store TINs!  Open catalog, navigate to that default.gdb and you will not see any tins in the listing.  Go there using the standard file explorer and, bingo!, there's your folder containing your TIN.  Cut/Copy and paste it outside the defualt.gdb folder and it shows up in Catalog.  This is definitely a bug.  You should not be able save a Tin within a File GDB!

3) I figured that perhaps working locally within that default location might help my problems.  But, no.  I still get the crashes when I try and add additional data to the local tin using Edit TIN.

So this is VERY buggy!  Let's just go back to ArcView 3.x where everything was simplified and it worked!  Sorry for the rant, but as this software "progresses" it just seems to get more buggy and less efficient.
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Esri Regular Contributor

Just curious how many data nodes are in the TIN that you wrote to the default fgdb and are now trying to edit with Edit TIN?  Also, are you saying that you can browse to a fgdb for the output location, or did you copy/paste the fgdb path into the output parameter? Is there a reason you want a TIN over a Terrain?

TIN's are not very well suited to manage large Lidar collections.  The maximum allowable size of a TIN varies relative to free, contiguous memory resources. Ten to 15 million nodes represents the largest size achievable under normal operating conditions with Win32. Regardless, it's strongly recommended to cap the size at a few million for the sake of usability and performance. Anything larger than this is best represented using a terrain dataset.

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New Contributor

Had the same problem and have a workaround regarding using the ERASE function. Instead of using ERASE, I created a polygon shapefile that was the inverse of what I wanted to erase and just used the CLIP tool to keep everything I wanted. The rest was removed without issues. No more pesky relict breaklines.

So instead of having a feature of what you want to remove, you need a feature that will overlay everything you want to keep. 

It's clunky but I hope this helps!

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