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Problem in creating TIN

11-15-2010 06:19 AM
Emerging Contributor
While,I am going to crate the tin from point coverage file,it shows the following message in 'Create/Modify TIN' window

"One or more inputs do not have spatail reference defined
so cannot be added to TIN.

continue trying to add other possible inputs?"

Can anybody tell me the meaning and solution of above sentence?
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3 Replies
Esri Contributor
Hello Raju,

What version of ArcGIS are you working on, and what is the spatial reference of the TIN and the coverage dataset?

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Deactivated User
I am getting this same issue.  We're using 9.3.1 and have tired both UTM Zone 15 meters and a county coordinate system feet.  I find it hard to believe the error is caused by a spatial reference definition problem.  Any solutions?  Thanks in advance. Steve
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Deactivated User
I am getting this same issue.  We're using 9.3.1 and have tired both UTM Zone 15 meters and a county coordinate system feet.  I find it hard to believe the error is caused by a spatial reference definition problem.  Any solutions?  Thanks in advance. Steve

Only time I have ever encountered this error is when my data wasnt spatially referenced/spatial reference wasnt the same(Arc 9.2 though 9.3.1).  If you havent solved the issue by now, check to see if any of your data reference is "Unknown."    I assume though that since you mention trying two different coordinate systems that you have done so already.

Another thing you could try to make sure your data is good, is make a tin out of each of your data sets individually.  This will insure that there isnt anything wrong with your data itself that is possibly causing the error.
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