Hi, just wondering if you guys could help me out - you seem to know what you're doing!!
I'm looking to create a viewshed analysis for a road network, in order to analyse which route has the best view.
I have a DEM and road network, but cannot figure out how to compute the viewshed for each road within the network, rather than the entire network itself.
Once i have worked out which roads have views or not, i'll then run a network analysis and find the route with the best view.
The only way I can think of is to run a model, clipping the road network into each segment and running the viewshed, however this is way more in depth than I'd like to go if possible. I've read a few papers that have done viewshed's on trails or roads, but they don't go in enough depth for me to follow what they've done.
Any ideas? Tips? Suggestions?