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Line of Sight tool produces empty output!

05-06-2011 04:25 PM
Emerging Contributor
I would like to run to determine a Line of Sight using 3D Analyst in ArcMap 10. I have several  observer points and would like to see if the target points are visible from the observer points. But when I run the Line of Sight tool it produces empty shapefile. Any insight would be helpful!

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5 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

If all you have is observer and target points, you need to create lines between them to perform a line of sight analysis. You can use the Construct Sight Lines tool to generate the line features between target and observer.  Use the resulting lines as input into Line of Sight.

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New Contributor
Hello! I am having the same problem and desperately need some help. I've constructed sightlines. I enter in my raster suface, then my sight line features the press okay... and I get a completion with a line of sight feature added to my table of contents but NO LINES... NO COLORS... NO DATA IN THE DATA TABLE.

PLZZ help

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Deactivated User
Have the same problem.
When I click the Profile tool it draws me the profile of the line with visible and not visible parts colored but no line is displayed on the map.
Any ideas.
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Esri Regular Contributor

What version and service pack are you using?  Are you using offsets?

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Deactivated User
Running Arc Desktop 10sp2.

Seeing same (no) result when I run LOS manually between two points - when my data frame is projected.  As soon as I turn the data frame back to GCS 1984 and run the LOS again the line appears!  Very interesting...
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