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LASD to Multipoint to Raster VS LASD to Raster

05-21-2013 05:41 AM
New Contributor

I have an LASD that I want to make DEMs and DSMs to eventually learn information about the canopy structure.
Because my LASD has so many files, I ideally want to break up the files by the towns that the data covers.

I have found two different ways to make DEMs and DSMS.

The first way is to convert the LASD to a Multipoint shape file and then that shape file to a raster.
The second way is to directly convert the LASD to a raster.

I cannot find online anywhere which method is better. I've done the DEMs and DSMs both methods, and the raster images match, so I know the process is doing the same thing.

Is one method better than the other? Is information lost in doing the first way vs the second way?
(I'm partial to the second way myself, but I want to do the one that's the best.)

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor
Hello David,

Using the LAS Dataset To Raster tool to interpolate your DEM is faster and offers the option to thin the source measurements so as to speed up the interpolation process. It also saves you from having to create intermediate data, so I'd recommend taking that approach.

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Deactivated User
Hello David,

Using the LAS Dataset To Raster tool to interpolate your DEM is faster and offers the option to thin the source measurements so as to speed up the interpolation process. It also saves you from having to create intermediate data, so I'd recommend taking that approach.



Sorry to bump and re-hash an old thread.

I have tried multiple times to use the LAS Datset to Raster tool to convert my LASD's to DEM.  However, every time I've tried to do it, the resulting raster has no data, even though my LASD has data, and I can convert LASD>TIN>RASTER no problem.  Just takes so long.

Thanks in advance for any help.
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