I have an Excel spreadsheet that has county names as the rows and two columns of measured data: crime rate/1000 residents and the modal age of the citizens. I would like to create a map of the counties with a graduated color map expressing the crime rate and the elevation of the map corresponding to the modal age in the county. I have tried to follow the directions given in the ArcGis 10.2 desktop Help section but without success. Any advice on how to accomplish this will be will appreciated.
Thank you.
Hi Xander:
I regret having to ask as I suspect the answer is obvious yet it has escaped me. When I follow the sequence of steps that you outlined, I get a globe rather than the desired surface that you obtained. How can I switch from the generic globe that appears when ArcGlobe begins to the surface display of the USA that you were able to achieve?
Thank you for your consideration,
Thank you again Xander. Your fix worked perfectly. Justin