The DEMs were either created on PCI Geomatica or were provided by the water agency of Norway, they all have the same pixel size and co-ordinate system, and the Z factor I assume is the same for each as they agree on heights of the surrounding bedrock. I tried using CutFill where the glacier surface was the After Surface, and the bedrock the Before Surface, and Surface Volume where I calculated below a planar surface above the glacier for both inputs, and then subtracted one from another, but it seems that some of the DEMs give volumes several orders of magnitude out from others. I will try Extrude between to see if I get the same problem.
Do you think that the fact the DEMs were made on a British computer - i.e. it used a . as a decimal point, while my computer which I'm trying to analyse them is Norwegian, so uses a , for a decimal point. Having said that the heights the DEMs give are all quite similar.