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georeferencing TIN with *.adf

08-17-2012 07:44 AM
Regular Contributor
How do I georeference a TIN where the file format is *.adf?

When I try to perform a 3D Analyst Tools -- Conversion -- From TIN, the tool won't recognize my file as an input.  I was able to perform 3D Analyst Tools -- TIN Management -- Copy TIN.

When I turn on the Georeferencing Toolbar in ArcToolbox, the "Layer:" box won't recognize my TIN file in my Table Of Contents.
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2 Replies
Esri Contributor
The Georeferencing tools are only for raster (images) not for TIN. If the TIN was created using data that has correct spatial reference information, it should have valid spatial reference and extents.

A TIN created in ArcGIS is composed of multiple files. If your TIN has not been mishandled (files were not deleted accidently), when you try to add it in ArcMap or in a tool you will see it with a unique icon, like shown in the image below:

If you open the TIN folder using windows explorer you will see something like this:

Both the TIN Conversion and the TIN Management tools should recognize a valid TIN.

Pavan Yadav
Product Engineer at Esri
AI for Imagery
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I was able to re-assign the Spatial Reference (UTM 11 N WGS 1984) that was somehow dropped from the original TIN file by doing the following:

1.  3D Analyst Tools -- Conversion -- From TIN -- TIN Node
  Input TIN:  my TIN
  Output Feature Class:  nodes to be used for step #2 below

2.  3D Analyst Tools -- TIN Management -- Create TIN
  Output TIN:  my new TIN name
  Spatial Reference:  UTM 11 N (WGS 1984)
  Input Feature Class:  the output nodes from step #1 above
Result:  my new TIN lined up with the other data in UTM 11 N format.
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