I have a point shapefile of nest sites from which I created a TIN and then converted the TIN to a TIN edge (3D Analyst -- Conversion -- From TIN -- TIN Edge). This creates a line shapefile with no node identifiers and I would like to be able to identify the distance between the nodes (nest sites) that comprise each of the edge lines (I've added a length field). Is there a procedure or set of steps that could be recommended to accomplish this?
I have done this by exporting the tables for the point shapefile, TIN edge, and Generate Near table and analyzing in SAS. Being new to 3D Analyst, I'm wondering if there is an alternative way(s) to do it within ArcMap?
I've attached an image showing the point ID and the edge lines for a specific nest site.
Running ArcMap 9.3.1 on Windows XP.