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DEM/DSM's of different resolutions.

04-30-2013 11:32 PM
Emerging Contributor
G-Day Esri forum...

I'm attempting to produce DEM and DSM Rasters with different cell sizes, say 5 of each with 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m and 5m cell sizes. the purpose being so that the surface 'bumps' that appear on the raster when viewed in 3D will be of differing sizes (5m being the largest and 1m being the smallest, i.e. a tree at 5m resolution may have a single peak whereas at 1m resolution it may have several). Sounds easy but its had me stumped for 2 days (and even getting a DEM/DSM in the first place had me stuck for longer), and thrown all manner of frustration my way.

Can anyone out there give me some instruction, preferably something that a simpleton like me could comprehend...

Cheers in advance...
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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
You can resample the raster DEM or DSM to achieve the different cell resolutions, but in terms of mixing them I am not sure how.  When you look at any raster there is one cell size for it, so I am not sure what you are looking to achieve. Perhaps you could burn in the DSM that is coarser into the DEM if that is the case, that way the finer resolution can account for the coarser.  In this case the larger features can be made up of smaller cells of the finer resolution.
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Emerging Contributor
My apologies i didn't explain that very well, i just need to produce several separate DEM's and DSM's with different cell sizes, basically i can't figure out how to generate a continuous (no 'No-data' cells) surface model in ArcGIS10.1 at the most basic level and set its cell size and nothing I've found online seems to explain it very clearly.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Any of the rasters can be resampled to a finer cell size with the Resample tool.  That should allow you to manipulate the cell size.  As long as you are not projecting the data each time or reshaping the boundary then you should not be creating more NoData values.
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