I discovered a problem with TIN coordinate systems when importing a TIN using the LandXML to TIN tool. First the tool did not recognize the current output coordinate system environment, and to boot, the Define Projection tool does not work with TINs.
This problem was verified with 10.0 sp5 and 10.1 SP1.
Two workarounds were identified:
1. Open the properties of the TIN and then manually define it
2. I wrote a little python function that works around the issue. (You could use this within a Python script, implement this as a script tool, or use it in ModelBuilder inside the Calculate Value tool.)
import os
import shutil
import arcpy
def DefineProjectionForTin(tin,prj):
# workaround for a bug - define a projection for a TIN
# 1. Create a temporary raster
# 2. Define its projection
# 3. Copy the prj.adf file to the TIN
wks = os.path.dirname(tin)
tempGrid = arcpy.CreateScratchName("","","RasterDataset",wks)
return tin
# example usage
# Note you could have this be an argument
# to the tool of type "Coordinate System" and
# get it with GetParameterAsText()
# dataPrj = arcpy.SpatialReference(102003) # USA Albers CONUS
# DefineProjectionForTin(r"C:\Workspace\tins\bottom_temp1", dataPrj)
Dang, this still hasn't been fixed.
I debugged my function. For the good of the thread, can you describe the details of your workflow that is not, uh, working?