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Created TIN from contour lines creates unwanted joined section

07-18-2012 11:36 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: tfardon


From the attached images you can see that I started with contour lines and then created a TIN with 3D Analyst but it created a surface inbetween the lines even though they have different line ID's.

Is there anyway of removing the unwanted section of surface or can someone explain how to create the surface so it stops at the extent of the lines.

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2 Replies
Deactivated User
For 9.3.1, create a polygon shapefile and draw a polygon that completely contains only what you want included in the tin(if you used a polygon to clip those contours out of a larger dataset, it would work perfectly).  In the Create Tin from Features tool, add your contours like normal and also add the new polygon.  For the height source on the polygon, set it to "none."  I believe the triangulate option defaults to a soft clip...this should work fine.  Hard clip might be better, but to be honest I haven't experimented much.

This should create a TIN with everything outside of that boundary polygon removed.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: tfardon

Yes. Just as you suggested by creating a polygon it worked.

Kind Regards
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