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Can you create a perfect block for a Block Diagram using ArcScene?

03-30-2012 10:27 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: EastCentral

Here is a graphic from ArcGIS Desktop Help (under Professional Library/Extensions/3DAnalyst/Visualizing data in 3d).  Nowhere can I find how the "block" portion of the diagram was constructed.  Prior to ArcGIS10, I've managed to do some trickery to make a "near perfect" block, but not like what is shown on the page.  Anybody know if 10 has added an option to make the block? 

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3 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: jbswain

There is this blog that was written describing one way.  It involves creating a multipatch feature to represent the block.
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Esri Notable Contributor
You could use Raster Domain tool to create a boundary for your raster.  Add the layer to ArcScene and set the base height to your elevation.  Then set an extrustion to a lower (negative) elevation value by choosing the layer properties extrusion option: Adding an extrusion by using it as a value features are extruded to.

Extrude features by constant value
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks, thales; that does the trick simply and neatly (but not absolutely perfectly).  Other readers need to know to use the LINE option rather than POLYGON with the RASTER DOMAIN command.  Otherwise the interior of the scene gets flooded by the boundary.  And who wants to build an Arc! (pun-intended)
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