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ArcScene: Projecting the display in stereo using free viewing

10-09-2013 07:37 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
This issue was mentioned before without any answers.... now I have met such a problem, could anybody help? thanks.

Is anyone familiar with how to send left and right eye views to indepedent monitors? According to the Desktop 10 documentation, ArcScene will allow 3D view in a stereo viewing mode that works with multiple output displays. It states "Under Stereo view preferences, click the Method drop-down arrow and click Free. The view mode changes so left and right views of the scene are placed side by side. You can send each view to independent projectors for display on a screen and view the image for a stereo effect." I can get to this point but I do not know how to send the L image to one projector and the R image to another projector.

Any ideas?

one idea is to drag the frame of ArcScene to another screen, however is there other methods that could sent these two images to the corresponding screen.

Much appreciate!!  Jack
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ArcScene will allow 3D view in a stereo viewing mode that works with multiple output displays. It states "Under Stereo view preferences, click the Method drop-down arrow and click Free. The view mode changes so left and right views of the scene are placed side by side. You can send each view to independent projectors for display on a screen and view the image for a stereo effect."  

... do not know how to send the L image to one projector and the R image to another projector.  

Any ideas? ...


Good idea to divide your Q into two parts:


  1. Stereo view in ArcScene (what is different from other stereo-pair view in photogrammetry);

  2. How to implement left and right images to independent projectors;


ArcScene provides 3 modes to view 3D scene /layers, including Perspective, 2D and Stereo View. As we know, if our data are in 3D models like multipatch or DEM, we can easily and commonly view this 3D scene in Perspective mode (attachment # middle).

[INDENT]However, many data layers in ArcScene are not in 3D models, including 2D images and 2D vector. Mostly, those 2D layers in ArcScene are only draped onto terrain, if DEM available. In fact, ArcScene is not able to handle very-high-resolution (0.2~1m, even 10-m for larger scene) DEM very well â?¦

Very commonly, we have to consider other view model like Stereo view, in particular, when DEM not available.

So, Stereo View in ArcScene should be refereed to â??oneâ?? specific 2D data layer (even 3D scene, 3D model), which ensure users to view and see the 'depth' to that data with stereo-glass, i.e., â??mimicâ?? stereo mode, which give users feeling like stereo pair. In other word, without stereo-glass, you will see something like attachments #first & third...

[INDENT]When viewing stereo-pair images in photogrammetry (saying, ERDAS Stereo Analyst), you can truly view in Anaglyph or parallel windows, which can be configured in separate window or projector for a pair of data.[/INDENT]

[INDENT]On my understanding on ArcScene, Stereo View (Free) doesn't handle real stereo-pair data (or a pair of data like airphoto & GeoEye) in separate window/projector.

For the second Q, if two projectors are available, not hard to setup, as long as Stereo Free available (attachment #1).

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by Anonymous User
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Hey Larry:

    Thanks a lot for your reply and the huge information about 3D stereo view in ArcScene.
    Actually we used two HDMI lines to connect one computer and two projectors, then opened ArcScene, added one mutipatch into the window. then set the free mode of stereo view in viewer setting, drag the Arcscene window in order to make the two separated image exists in two screens. The two screens or images would be overlay with each other by properly placing the projector and then observe the 3D effect with a pair of 3D glasses.

    The method here to make two images display in two separate screen is dragging the ArcScene window. so I'm looking for is there another way to send the two images which separated by the free mode of stereo view to two screens automately.   If there is , should we set this configuration in ArcScene or in those projectors?
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Occasional Contributor
.... one computer and two projectors.... should we set this configuration in ArcScene or in those projectors?


Better to check if the graphic card in your machine is 3D-ready (�??3D Vision Pro�?? & Open GL quad buffered stereo supported), and also has the ability to drive 3D to 3 displays/ projectors.
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by Anonymous User
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I got it, thanks Larry.
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by Anonymous User
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Better to check if the graphic card in your machine is 3D-ready (�??3D Vision Pro�?? & Open GL quad buffered stereo supported), and also has the ability to drive 3D to 3 displays/ projectors.

Dear Larry:
   Thanks for your advice before, we already tried however, the 3D projector did not work out. The arcgis software was installed in one computer successfully,this computer get a graphic card (Matrox M9148 LP PCIe x16) which supports 3D Vision Pro�?? & Open GL quad buffered stereo and has the ability to drive 3D to multiple displays/projectors. however, after add data into the ArcScene , nothing displayed in the data view and also pop out such warning:

   �??Warning: Out of display memory
   To conserve memory, layer is now displayed with reduced image resolution. You can review your resolution setting in the rendering and Base Heights tabs of the layer Properties dialog.�?�
   We tried to add different data(not only the multipatch, but also the tin, polyline,polygon etc.) into the ArcScene, and also adjustthe setting in rendering and base height tabs of layer property, still get the same problem: nothing appeared in the dataview, we could not see anything.

   Or It may get some conflict between ArcScene and this kind of display card, perhaps this kind of 3D-ready (�??3D Vision Pro�?? & Open GL quad buffered stereo supported) graphic card does not work well in ArcScene.

   Have u ever encountered such problem and could you give some indications? thanks
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....graphic card (Matrox M9148 LP PCIe x16) which supports 3D Vision Pro�?? & Open GL quad buffered stereo and has the ability to drive 3D to multiple displays/projectors. however, after add data into the ArcScene , nothing displayed in the data view and also pop out such warning:

   �??Warning: Out of display memory


When working with most projectors a VESA compliant stereo sync signal is mostly required for proper operation, for example, Projection Design F35AS3D.

In addition, some graphic card is not reliable 'Multi-Display', even though it is called '3D Ready'... So, it is also advisable to create support remedy and directly to consult ESRI 3D team on the Matrox card.

Pls send me your email via Private Message.
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