This issue was mentioned before without any answers.... now I have met such a problem, could anybody help? thanks.
Is anyone familiar with how to send left and right eye views to indepedent monitors? According to the Desktop 10 documentation, ArcScene will allow 3D view in a stereo viewing mode that works with multiple output displays. It states "Under Stereo view preferences, click the Method drop-down arrow and click Free. The view mode changes so left and right views of the scene are placed side by side. You can send each view to independent projectors for display on a screen and view the image for a stereo effect." I can get to this point but I do not know how to send the L image to one projector and the R image to another projector.
Any ideas?
one idea is to drag the frame of ArcScene to another screen, however is there other methods that could sent these two images to the corresponding screen.
Much appreciate!! Jack