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Adjusting a relatively flat TIN�?�

02-28-2012 04:19 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hello all,

I have a TIN that was created off of contours.  This TIN is relatively flat.  What I�??d like to do is to �??burn�?� in some elevation changes for a stream polyline.  The catch is I want to use increments of feet.  Such as 1.2 feet below the TIN surface.  Has anyone tried this out there?  Thanks for your time.

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Esri Regular Contributor
To determine the specific elevation changes you indicated, I would recommend creating the streamlines, convert the vertices to points, use the add surface information to see the current elevation, add a field and modify the elevations accordingly, use the Feature to 3d by Attributes to create a new 3d points at the new elevation and then re draw the line by snapping to the new points.  Once this line is created, you can re import it to the TIN.

You could copy the TIN and then add the 'burned in' areas in the form of line or polygons using the Edit Tin Tool. If you are trying to test out the look, I would consider using the Interactive Add TIN Line tool.
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