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3D Surface ArcScene vs Surfer

04-19-2013 09:07 AM
by Anonymous User
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Original User: smuinillim

I have created a surface model using ArcCatalog: I converted an LAS dataset into a raster.  I created a 3D hillshade from the raster  and float the hillshade over the raster data in ArcScene 10.1.  When I view the same raster in Surfer 10 as a 3D surface I get a very different view.

Is there a way to recreate the Surfer view in ArcScene?
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I have created a surface model using ArcCatalog: I converted an LAS dataset into a raster.  I created a 3D hillshade from the raster  and float the hillshade over the raster data in ArcScene 10.1.  When I view the same raster in Surfer 10 as a 3D surface I get a very different view.

Is there a way to recreate the Surfer view in ArcScene?

Good idea to try in ArcMap (rather than ArcScene).

Firstly, advisable to build statistics on imported LAS data, before adding ArcGIS.

Secondly, with 3D Viewer (enhanced for LAS datasets) in LAS Dataset tool, you will be able to get the same 3D effect, as Surfer (maybe, required to play with varied values of Z Exaggeration).

Please share your findings, if any different.
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