Hi Imran,
The ArcGIS SketchUp plugin is no longer supported at 10.
Here are the two main feature CREATION workflows, using 10:
(1) Starting with a SKP (or DAE/3DS/FLT) file
- Start editing in Scene or Globe (against a multipatch feature class)
- If required, create an Edit Template for the multipatch layer
- Select the multipatch template in the Create Features window
- This enables the Insert tool (for placing multipatch features)
- Click in the view where you want the 3D model to be placed
- When prompted, navigate to the source SKP file
- A new multipatch feature is created in the geodatabase (imported from the source 3D file), located at the point where you clicked
- Move / rotate / scale the new multipatch feature, as needed
- Optionally populate feature attributes, save edits
(2) Starting with a GIS feature (such as a building footprint)
- Use a feature attribute (such as bld height) to extrude the footprint into a block representation
- Use the 'Layer 3D to Feature Class' GP tool to create a multipatch feature class
- Select the multipatch feature/s you want to update, then use the 'Multipatch to COLLADA' GP tool to export them to DAE files
- Load and edit the COLLADA files in SketchUp (or some other application)
- Start Editing in Scene or Globe (against the applicable multipatch data)
- Select the feature whose geometry you want to update from the DAE
- Use the 3D Editor > Replace with Model command to switch out the existing block geometry with the more complex geometry (and optional textures) you created in the edited 3D model (COLLADA file).
- Save edits
Hope it helps!
3D Team