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Determine Walkability within Boundary

07-24-2018 09:05 PM
New Contributor

I'm trying to determine how many households within a given neighborhood are located within 0.25 miles of one or more park entrance points on a map.  Basically, I need to assign each household a "yes" or "no" -- that they're located within 0.25 miles of at least one park entrance point -- and then calculate the percentage of "yes's" and "no's" within each neighborhood in a city.  I have already run a closest facility analysis and a service area analysis for the parks, but am unsure how to determine which households are located near a park entry point and which aren't without doing it manually.  Does anyone have any suggestions for next steps?

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Elizabeth, 

The Spatial Join tool might help you out: Spatial Join—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

The households would be the Target, the Service Area would be the Join features - You might have to run a Merge on the Service Areas if they're seperate feature classes.

Households that exist within the Service Area will hold an attribute value from it and Households that don't will remain Null (This attribute could be the SA name, helping you distinguish between all the SAs)
