Thanks Juan, I see the issue and that workaround works for me for now. I appreciate your prompt attention my issue. Take care!
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07:56 AM
OK, I was able to get the rasters extracted as separate TIF files from the NibbleTroubleshooting2.gbd I prepared and tested. Attaching now. When I run Nibble using these TIF file rasters, I still get the same result: an empty raster with only 0 on the legend.
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04:05 PM
Yes, I see what you mean. The copy/paste of the rasters from my Scratch.gdb to that empty NibbleTroubleshooting.gdb I created didn't work very well as I wasn't able to render them in a new MXD. So, I copied the Scratch.gdb, deleted everything else and loaded them into a fresh MXD to make sure they worked. I've included the Nibble Test model with the settings that I used and the NibbleOutput raster showing the same output I've been getting. I had tried extracting the rasters as TIF format, but ran into errors using the Export menu item from the Catalog view, as well as the Copy Raster geoprocessing tool. Keep getting 999999 error saying "No spatial reference exists" even though I see this set on the rasters (NAD_1983_Albers). If you know a better way, please advise! Thanks much!
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03:56 PM
I'm trying to fill in the areas in the RunoffCoeffRaster with small regions of NoData that were converted to the value zero (0), which was done because the Nibble tool seems to not replace any NoData values of the input raster. I'm using the original RunoffCoeffRaster that contained the NoData gaps but renamed to NibbleMask as the Mask raster parameter. I'm expecting that the 0 cells in the RunoffCoeffRaster that line up with the NoData cells in the NibbleMask raster to be replaced with values from the nearest neighbor cells of the RunoffCoeffRaster. However, that is not the output i'm getting. Instead, see the NibbleOutput raster in this file geodatabase. I'm using ArcMap v10.7.1. See attached file for the relevant rasters and a model showing what I'm doing. I've tried all combinations of the 2 checkbox parameters to see if I'm misunderstanding the documentation, but without success. Thoughts?
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11:41 AM
Yes, understood. What I'm simply noting is the difference between the raster used for the Cell Size parameter in the Tool. When I use an integer-based raster for this, it works just fine. When I was using a floating point raster for this, it hangs. I tested using a 10 meter integer raster instead of the 30 meter integer raster, and it worked as well. So, it doesn't seem to be the cell size but rather the pixel type of the referenced raster in the Cell Size parameter that seems to be causing the issue.
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08:12 AM
The raster settings are based on a 10m DEM of the watershed that matches the extend of the polygon feature being converted. When I just run Feature to Raster from the Toolbox, I get the same result. I tried an integer-based 30 meter raster of the same extent just now and it completed in 2.8 seconds. I guess the issue may be the 32-bit floating point raster at 10 meter resolution that is causing an issue. I'll try an integer-based raster @ 10 m in the morning and see what happens to that. Thanks for the reply!
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08:46 PM
I’ve not been able to resolve an issue with a Model performing either a Polygon to Raster or Feature to Raster conversion. It just hangs, despite restarts, rebuilding the model, long waits, etc. It seems stuck in a loop and haven’t found a support case or article dealing with this. Task Manager shows process cycling between the same Memory and CPU metrics which is why I think it’s in a loop. The feature is a small subset of USDA Soil Map Unit features with a Hydro Group Number (long data type, not the alpha code) for the raster pixel values. There are only 154 polygons in the feature set and it's for only 1 HUC-12 catchment/basin area. All values are non-null and range from 1-4. It should run in no time. Thoughts? Executing (Feature to Raster): FeatureToRaster "Site Analysis\08_Soil\soilmu_a_aoi" HYDGRP_NUM "C:\Users\jamie\Documents\Education\GIS\501-Capstone Project\Scratch.gdb\FtoRTest" "C:\Users\jamie\Documents\Education\GIS\501-Capstone Project\CapstoneProject.gdb\ContextDEM" Start Time: Thu Aug 20 15:49:05 2020 Cancelled function Cancelled function (Feature to Raster) aborted by User. Failed at Thu Aug 20 16:38:43 2020 (Elapsed Time: 49 minutes 37 seconds)
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03:48 PM
In case this helps someone else who sees this thread, I'm in the middle of doing this too and I'm taking the following approach: Method: Rational Runoff Method - I am determining the runoff coefficient from a published Rational Runoff Lookup table based on the following characteristics: Soil Hydrologic Group: A, B, C, D (I'm treating the A/D, B/D and C/D groups as D for purposes of the Runoff Coeff since I'm looking at peak flow on a watershed basis). I'm getting this from USDA's Soil Survey data in the muaggattr table and hydgrpdcd column and converting the soil unit polygons in the Watershed context to a 10 m raster with values for each Soil Hydrologic Group. Slope Class: less than 2 percent, 2-6 percent, and greater than 6 percent. I'm getting this from the USGS 1/3 arc second DEM (~10 m resolution), calculating Slope, and then reclassifying the slope raster into a Slope Class raster in the above specified ranges. Land Cover Class: I've translated these values in terms of the National Vegetation Class System Class code that is used with the USGS Land Cover raster data sets (30 m resolution). I've taken their text file that maps all raster values to the NVCS Attributes (including the Class code that approximates the land cover types in the Rational Runoff Method table) and imported it to a table and joined this to the Land Cover raster table. I'm taking each of the 3 rasters specified above and then will calculate a new Runoff Coefficient Raster based on looking up the Runoff Coefficient from a Runoff_Coeff table based on the raster values of the 3 input rasters. [This is the part I'm currently researching how best to do-I think the Combine tool will work for this but I not yet done a Join Field operation with multiple join fields] This Runoff Coefficient Raster will then serve as the Input Weight Raster for the Flow Accumulation Tool. I'll Extract from Points the Flow Accumulation at each Pour Point and then calculate the effective area of rain harvesting based on the area of each cell in the Flow Accumulation raster. So if 200,000 cells pour in without weighting for Runoff Coefficient, then something less than this would be the count using the Input Weight Raster based on the runoff coefficient for each cell and this would be the effective rainwater harvesting area for the peak flow calculation.
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11:21 AM
Original post was under ArcMap v10.6.1. I've upgraded to 10.7.1 but still seeing the same issue.
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01:13 PM
When I'm running Snap Pour Points tool for a set of 15 points on a flow accumulation raster, it's hanging after getting to 100% on the progress bar for the "Snapping pour points..." step. All 15 points were generated from certain portions of the stream line generated from the sane flow accumulation. I'm needing to do this because though 13 points are well located, 2 of them are just off the stream accumulation raster cells, so I'm needing to snap them over a bit to get proper watershed analysis. The Snap Pour Point tool is consistently hanging whether running with 15 points or 1 point. I'm using a Snap Distance of essentially the width of 2 - 10m raster pixels (20 meters or 62 feet). After cancelling the hung process from the status window, an unhandled crash exception occurs and I used that tool to send the crash dump data and referenced this discussion thread title for context. The Errors that I see presented in the status window before it crashes are as follows: ERROR 999999: Error executing function. The table was not found. [VAT_KeyPointsSnapRaster] A column was specified that does not exist. A column was specified that does not exist. The table was not found. [VAT_KeyPointsSnapRaster] ERROR 010017: Operation has been cancelled. ERROR 010296: Error in writing raster C:\Users\jamie\Documents\Education\GIS\501-Capstone Project\Scratch.gdb\KeyPointsSnapRaster. ERROR 010067: Error in executing grid expression. ERROR 010017: Operation has been cancelled. Failed to execute (Snap Pour Point). Failed at Fri Jan 17 12:08:57 2020 (Elapsed Time: 4 minutes 5 seconds) snappourpoint hydrology watershed
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10:56 AM
I've got the same question. I'm looking to run it both ways, but when I'm running Snap Pour Points tool for a set of 15 points on a flow accumulation raster, it's hanging. I'm needing to do this because though 13 points which were generated from places along the stream line feature still coincide with the stream line raster cells in the flow accumulation raster, 2 of the points are just off of the stream raster cells and need to be snapped over just a little bit. I'm using ArcMap 10.6 and the Snap Pour Point tool repeated hangs, even when just running it against a single point. Thanks in advance!
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10:46 AM
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1 | 08-28-2020 07:56 AM |
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