Hey! I am trying to calculate different raster layers in ArcGIS with a relativly simple formular, but a few more complicated cell relationships. I have already solved the calculation in Microsoft Excel and now have to implement the procedere in GIS. Can you suggest a VB or python script ( i am NOT VERY familiar with this) to calculate my excel-based solution within the field calculator / raster calculator? I am looking for a raster-based solution, but i am open for any ideas! My goal is to calculate different parameter regarding sprinkling of agricultural crop types in times of climate change. I would like to do the calculation with raster-tools in a batch process, if possible, because for each factor in the formular i got like 180 datasets and around 300.000 cells to calculate with. Here are my input-parameters (on a daily basis - all values are in mm (millimeter)): Evapotranspiration (ETP) - raster Kc-Factor (Kc) - raster Precipitation (P) - raster I have to calculate: Daily water balance (DWB) = (ETP*kc)-P Total water balance (TWB) = DWB - AoS Amount of sprinkling (AoS) = in general, this parameter has the value "0", but it is influenced by the sum of the Total Water Balance. If the sum, of TWB is e.g. >20, >12, >16, ... the AoS is -20, -12, -16 ... --> this actually means, if it is to dry for e.g. the crop type "winter weath" you have to sprinkle 20mm therefor AoS = -20. You can see the schematic in the following image, this is for an example for single raster cell: I hope anyone of you has a few ideas. Cheers in advance! Jacob
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04:41 AM
Thank you very much for helps. It unforunately still does not work. It is probably an issue with the computers/servers i am working on (at my university that provides free ArcGis Software). I think its time get in touch with the administrator. Here is what i tried for DWG files. The tool was successfully finished. But the output data seems to be unusable. This what i tried with the GML data. Same ERROR as above. 1 2 3
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04:24 AM
As you can see in the picture the data format is .gml (catalog). Every dataset contains different building types. I am interested in the "Roof Surface Multipatch" features. You can also the the Error in the result window, that pop up after i used the "Multipatch to Raster"-Tool. I already tried to change the output folder / gdb / server and harddrive. Any ideas? This is the pythoncode: (the code isself seems to work) # Name: # Description: Converts multipatch features to a raster dataset. # Import system modules import arcpy from arcpy import env # Set environment settings env.workspace = "I:\NeueEnergie2050\Stadtmodell_Hannover_CityGML_LoD2\GML_CityGML_LoD2_12_12_17\5410_5806.gml" # Set local variables inFeatures = "RoofSurface Multipatch" outRaster = "I:\NeueEnergie2050\PV_Analyse\GML_Stadtgebiet Hannover\RoofSurface_raster/5410_5806.tif" cellSize = 1.0 # Execute MultipatchToRaster arcpy.MultipatchToRaster_conversion(inFeatures, outRaster, cellSize)
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06:10 AM
Hey Xander. I am pretty new to GeoNet (whats the best way to share the data in a question?). As far as i figured out, i have to use the "Multipatch to Raster" - Tool to convert the multipatch (gml.) data to raster. It didnt work yet. (ERROR 010092: Invalid output extent.)
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04:26 AM
Hey Dan, thanks for your response. I do have the Data Interoperability extension. Ive alreadyimported and converted the gml. to shapefile to do my 2d analysis. I am now interested in the 3D data (z.values) to create a raster terrain map and do the slope and aspect analysis.
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09:10 AM
Hey guys, i am pretty new in 3D analysis in ArcMap/Scene (10.5.1.) It might be pretty simple question ( and it hopefully is). I am working with 3D buildings of my hometown to analyze roof solar potential. My final goal is to produce slope and aspect data. What kind of data i use: - 109 multipatch (.gml) files (each contains GroundSurface, RoofSurface, Wallsurface) >> i am interested in Roofsurfaces to analyze slope and aspect - 1 shapefile (it contains the 109 roofsurfaces) >> i produced it myself and used it for 2D analysis (for example: footprint to estimate and distinguish flat and sloping roof types) What i am trying to do is: - add z_value to the shapefile - to create a raster elevation map - and finally do slope and aspect analysis My problem is: - i dont know much about multipatch and gml. data - i dont know how to create this z-value out of my existing data and add it the attribute table of the shapefile (if had the z-value i could use polygon to raster) > Is it even possible? Can i use the shapefile? Or do i have to use the raw data (multipatch / gml.) I hope you can understand what i am trying to do, and what kind of data i use. Thanks in advance, JacobB
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06:43 AM
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