I can't replicate the problem; my 400 dpi jpeg test layout using the grey basemap looks okay. I am using 2.1.1 currently; maybe it is a new issue with 2.2?
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11:37 AM
I felt the same way for a while. Once I got used to it, though, it is now ArcMap that seems clunky. I'm not saying it isn't frustrating at first, but it gets better.
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11:41 AM
I had an interesting experience last week. I've been hitting Pro hard and exclusively for the last 4-5 months white writing my new text manuscript and developing workshops. Then I got the page proofs for my latest ArcMap text and had to go back to ArcMap and review the tutorials with version 10.5.1. My first reaction as I began work, OMG -- how clunky! So one does get used to Pro, although this may be good or bad news depending on how you view it. Still think the new default symbols are ugly and awkward, though. maribeth
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09:27 AM
If anyone is curious, the SAME bug is still in version 10.5.1, although now it apparently works sometimes, but not others.
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02:44 PM
As I understand it, the management aspect of the Project pane is much curtailed (inability to delete something, for example). I understood this as stemming from a different style application where nearly everything is a tool. So you run a tool to delete something (or to get basic stats on a field-grrr). I agree, it is more of a pain and I miss the old functionality, but it IS consistent with the new philosophy. As I work with Pro, I am developing a new mind set and new workflows, and am reluctantly beginning to see some of the advantages. For example, I can't count the number of times my students modified a data set coordinate system in ArcCatalog, thinking that they were changing its projection, when in fact they were sabotaging the data. (And I guarantee they had been warned at least 3 times not to.) With this function simply unavailable in the Project pane, the problem goes away, (and I simply have to continue my ever-vigilant campaign to help people understand the difference between the Project and Define Projection tools). Explaining that two tools are different is a bit easier than explaining why it is OK to change the coordinate system in the data frame properties in ArcMap but not OK to change the data set properties in ArcCatalog (using a window that looks identical in both cases). So sometimes you just have to think differently about what you want to do. For data management, for example, you might create a project named "ManageData" with all your folder links, for those times when you want to pop in and manage some things, instead of having to create a new project each time.
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08:57 AM
Thanks. I still can't see the difference in the files except that last line, but that would certainly cause the problem I'm seeing. Always helps to get someone else's eyes on your data!
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10:08 AM
I would love an Esri programmer (or anyone for that matter) to answer this for me. I encountered some unusual behavior in an Excel table named ORprecipnormals (97-2003 .xls format) containing precipitation normals for climate stations. ArcMap versions 10.2 through 10.5 read it fine; Pro insists on reading the numeric values as text fields, rendering them useless. I've always known that the Excel interpreter can have some gremlins in it. I tried updating the Excel table to .xlsx format--still got text. I tried saving it as a CSV file--still got text. In desperation, I copied the data in Excel and pasted them (as values only) into a new spreadsheet (named simply precipnormals), saved the spreadsheet as .xlsx, and also saved it as a CSV file. Pro now correctly interprets both spreadsheet and CSV files to contain numbers (Double). That the new spreadsheet works doesn't surprise me; there must have been something funky in the original spreadsheet. But I am mystified why one CSV file gets interpreted correctly and one does not. Side by side in Notepad, they appear identical. Isn't that the whole point of a CSV file? They are simple ASCII and direct and transportable. Yet it appears that Excel dumped some invisible tag into the first CSV, and Pro is heeding it to interpret the values as text. Why oh why would this be? Note that ArcMap does NOT heed those invisible tags; it interprets any of the four files correctly. The attachments include the two CSV files shown together in Notepad, the Fields view showing how they are interpreted differently in Pro, and finally, the files themselves. I await enlightenment. Meanwhile, for those with more pressing practical concerns, if Pro is making hash of your spreadsheets, try the copy/paste-special-values trick. Maribeth
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10:22 AM
Hi, Yes , we sometimes have trouble with used copies. I have an ftp site where you can download the data for previous versions (the publisher doesn't do this). There are several versions depending on the edition; file has migsdata5e, mgisdata6e, etc. for the edition number. It comes as a zipped file; you will need to unzip it before using. The site address is I haven't been on there in a while so I'm not positive that the 5e edition is there. If not, let me know and I'll get it posted. Maribeth Price
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12:53 PM
I went back later and tried again. It failed once, then worked twice, once on each table format. Pro gremlins at work again.
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04:03 PM
I am not able to get the World Geocode Service to work in Pro 1.3. I am logged in with an organizational subscription with geocoding privileges and sufficient credits (I double-checked). The first time I tried, the Geocode Addresses tool marked the locator input with a red X and said it could only use locators in file folders (WorldGeocodeFailure_1.png). I tried opening a new blank project. That time it let me run the tool, but said that it could not find the locator (WorldGeocodeFailure.png). I followed the Pro Help directions exactly for using the World Geocoding Service, but it did not work, nor did it suggest that it wasn't yet implemented, although that is what the error messages seem to be saying. The file I am using is a file geodatabase table with 41 New Jersey Walmart locations. I've tried it a couple times now with the original and a dBASE file and get some other varied messages, such as it can't find the locator, it can't find the address fields, etc. I tried geocoding the same file in ArcMap 10.5 and it worked just fine. (ArcMap, I love you). I attach the error messages and the table as a dBase file in case anyone else wants to try. Will consume about 2 credits.
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03:06 PM
Anyone else had trouble exporting a feature class from an ArcGIS Online feature service or layer package when the Environment settings for a different coordinate system are set? I have tried to export both the USA States and USA Counties layer packages, with only New Jersey selected, from AGOL in Pro while the application level Environment setting for the output coordinate system is set to NJ State Plane. An error shows (attached), that the spatial index grid size is invalid, and the output feature class is produced but is empty. If I remove the environment setting, the procedure works. I came across this issue while working on an extended project. I restarted Pro and tried it in a new blank project and got the same problem. I retested in the original project and the error and solution continue, so it is a persistent issue. I tested the procedure in ArcMap with the same data and it works flawlessly (always has).
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11:13 AM
Ah, interesting application. I can see why you would want to now. Go ahead and experiment if you want but…daily backups! There is a setting in the Map properties, under the General section, for map rotation. Have you tried using that? You might have to reset it when you move to edit a different building (or just make a new map for each building), but it could be an alternate solution. Maribeth
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09:08 AM
Call me old-fashioned, but after 25 years of dealing with Esri software I wouldn't even try to edit an activated map. Activated maps are for adjusting layouts; editing is a whole different process (and one that can have severe consequences if it goes awry). Any thing you can do to keep editing simple is usually the safest way to go. This whole multi-threaded thing is nice, but it is very new. Don't push it, is my advice.
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07:14 PM
Did you try closing and restarting Pro? I find that it takes care of a lot of puzzling behavior like this.
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07:08 PM
doesn't seem to be available in 1.3.1 either, over a year later... At least I can't find it anywhere.
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12:05 PM
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