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Need feature layers with different spatial references

03-17-2020 09:15 AM
Emerging Contributor

This is my requirement-

Feature layer with different Spatial References with offline capability.

I tried searching online I did not find any. Later, I thought I will create feature layer from portal giving different spatial reference. To get different spatial references I referred this URL: 

I used some of the spatial references form projected and geographic coordinate system. Some of the wkid were showing invalid and whichever worked [ 2000 ] gave me some unexpected result in my app while loading the geodatabase of the same layer.

- while doing this geodatabaseFeatureLayer.selectFeaturesAsync , I see feature.getGeometry() returns null but feature.getFeatureTable().hasGeometry() returns me true.[ Android ArcGIS sdk 100.5.0 ]

Is there any difference here !.

Help me - provide some layers with SR different from 3857 and 4326 or how I can create my own with the available coordinate systems provided.


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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi Devendra, I tried going to the URL you provided. If you look at the Fields listed in then you will see there is no geometry field for the features; these have a field type of esriFieldTypeShape.

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Emerging Contributor

My bad. Sorry.

I was mentioning this URL to refer various coordinate systems

Using spatial references—ArcGIS REST API: Services Directory | ArcGIS for Developers 

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