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WebEOC ESRI bridge?

08-28-2015 02:41 PM
Frequent Contributor

My City just purchased WebEOC. We also have a full ESRI ELA with a server and ARcGIS online. Do you have any advice or wisdom on how one would use ESRI either with a rest service or ArcGIS online? I would like the map in WebEOC to display my GIS data but when I google I cannot find any information.

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8 Replies
Deactivated User

Hi Kathleen - There are efforts underway between Intermedix and Esri to increase the capabilities you’d like to see.  We are still working on this and should have something out next year.  In the meantime, we recommend you contact G&H International.  They currently provide a solution for WebEOC and ArcGIS Online integration -

Frequent Contributor

Ivan - Thank you very much for your reply.

Deactivated User

Intermedix has recently announced a new extension to allow WebEOC data to be consumed by a WebMap through ArcGIS Online.    Please see the product announcement here:

Frequent Contributor

Ivan - awesome ! I have been waiting for this. I also see there is a webinar next week about the product.

Esri Emergency Management Webinar Series: Accessing and Visualizing WebEOC Data within ArcGIS Online


Occasional Contributor

Hi Kathleen,

Another option if you are looking to connect to other systems as well is to use a standardized back end interoperability tool like XchangeCore​, formerly UICDS. It is free for public entities through DHS and, actually, you are in good shape in CA as CalOES has done a lot of this work already by integrating ArcGIS Online. Check in with Jim Morentz ( I'm not sure of the status of the WebEOC adapter, but I have heard of projects connecting WebEOC, eTeams & DisasterLAN systems across multiple states.



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Frequent Contributor

Scott -

Thank you for the info on XchangeCore.  Yes Cal OES has done some amazing work. Chi Smith and I both became ArcGIS Online evangelists
when me met during the aftermath of the Napa Earthquake in Aug of 2015. Chi and her team have done amazing work.

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Deactivated User

Hi All,

There is another Esri webinar today covering the WebEOC ArcGIS Extension which connects WebEOC and ArcGIS.  I've copied details of this session below:

Visualize Your EOC Data

In the next installment of the Esri Emergency Management Webinar  series, we will discuss how to get started with the new WebEOC ArcGIS Extension from Intermedix. Esri and Intermedix staff will show you how to configure the WebEOC ArcGIS Extension within your existing WebEOC environment. They'll also show you some of the recent updates made to the extension—new data filtering options, the simplified feature service creation process, and other enhancements.

You will also learn, step by step, how to configure WebEOC data within ArcGIS apps such as Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS, Esri Story Map Journal, and Public Information Map template. By the end of this webinar, you will be able to go from working with WebEOC boards to working with operations dashboards!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Register Today

Thursday, September 1 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. (PDT)

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New Contributor

I have the same question but for ETeam.  Not much found anywhere, not for lack of trying.  I'm beginning to suspect you still need the ArcGIS Server at this point, which goes against the entire selling point of the subscription and online service AGO.

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