Survey123 Connect: HTML Bold Text Command isn't transferring from Connect to Online Survey

02-20-2018 10:48 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hello All,

I implemented the HTML Bold Text Command into my Survey. It appears on Connect for ArcGIS but doesn't transfer from there to my published survey online.

Below I have shown the code on my excel template and below that is what my survey looks like when I save my excel sheet to Connect for ArcGIS.

Once I publish it and open it online, this is what I get. I'm getting familiar with Survey123 Connect, but am clearly still learning the beginner ropes. 

Get back to me with anything you have, thanks for your time!


Zach Yinger

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4 Replies
Emerging Contributor

JHasthorpe-esristaff‌ I was wondering if you do any kind of project consulting? I wasn't able to find a place where I could Private Message you. My email is please contact me in regards to this inquiry. I appreciated your help in the past, and hope we can make something of the future. Thanks for your time, I hope to hear from you soon!


Zach Yinger

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Zach

Happy to help out where I can - but can't really consult. I'll drop you an email.

Anyway, can you please can you please share your survey xls, it should be working from what I can see.



0 Kudos
Emerging Contributor

I appreciate the help, I have a few other questions regarding image size. I would like to optimize the size of the images on my survey. Can I restrict the image sizes to 3x5 in or 4x6in upon output onto the survey? Please send me an email to touch basis.

I'll attach my xls below, thanks for your time!


Zach Yinger

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Emerging Contributor

Hey John,

I am running 2.6.4 for connect, laptop OS macOS Sierra 10.12.6, Google Chrome browser Version 64.0.3282.167 (Official Build) (64-bit). Let me know how these systems are compatibility wise.

My web survey still isn't running as desired, no bold text, and the images aren't even appearing. This is what my current published survey looks like . The images and bold text still aren't appearing as desired. My survey looks perfect in the connect app though. For the image issue, setting it to medium or any other limited image size, from what I found only refers to when the surveyor is taking photos and wanting to upload them. I altered the image size and found there wasn't a difference.

Please view this link Survey123 Connect: From Connect with ArcGIS to Web Survey; bold text isn't transferring and image si... , these are my current issues with an upcoming deadline. Once again, feel free to email me, , I have limited sources besides yourself with Survey123 Connect, it's not widely  used within my University GIS team. 

Again, this is what my current survey looks like, take a look please . Thanks for your time and effort, it's very much appreciated.


Zach Yinger

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