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DataReviewer Speed with 10.4.1

02-03-2017 01:48 AM
New Contributor

Hello everybody,

we have some problems with Version 10.4.1.

Our Batch Jobs, created on 10.2, are very slow on 10.4.1

The test on 10.4.1 run 60 minutes but on 10.2 only 6 minutes with the same BatchJob File

It's necessary to create new BatchJob Files to fix these problem?

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6 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Stefan: I don't know the answer to your question.

But if I were in your shoes, I would take the slowest job and recreate it and see if the speed improves.

I'd also look my indexes, compression, etc... to make sure it's not a database issue slowing things down.

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I'm seeing similar using Data Reviewer against versioned SDE... when only evaluating changed features (known to be slow to begin with).  I'm using the same database & edit version and same .RBJ file in both 10.3.1 and 10.4.1 tests.  I've broken the RBJ into 4 pieces (by feature class) and typically the largest feature class review fails with a .NET error or ArcMap crashes (1 edited record out of 1.7 million total features).  The other feature classes are about 1,288 records / 48845 records / 98408 records and they complete in 10.3.1 in about half the time it takes on 10.4.1.  We'll probably start a ticket with support on this, but given the shift in ESRI's development emphasis to ArcGIS Pro I'm not optimistic in getting a fix - hopefully its a known issue and resolved in 10.5 I guess.  

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Frequent Contributor

New Data Reviewer patch out:  Esri Support 10.4.1   ...could be promising?

Enhancements and Issues Addressed

Desktop and Server

  • TFS97746 Improve performance when running check on Changed Features Only.
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Much faster!  If you have Data Reviewer installed as part of the Mapping & Charting solution, search for that patch instead (not the one I linked above), it contains the same fix.

A couple of sample results using two test versions:

10.4.1 = 49min

10.4.1 with patch =2min 10sec

10.3.1 = 21min 30sec

10.4.1 = 1hr 4min 33sec

10.4.1 with patch = 3min 52sec

Frequent Contributor

I can't speak to 10.4 as we are at 10.3.1 for production, but in our recent testing and implementation of versioned editing using data reviewer for QA, we noticed that installing the 10.3.1 Data Reviewer patch (link is patch 7, we are at patch 5) resulted in a potential 50% speed increase over the base installation.  I'm not sure how many of these improvements are in 10.4, probably most/all of them.

Also, be aware that the configuration of data reviewer is critical to performance.  At one point we were versioning the internal DR tables themselves (as recommended in the documentation) but this caused extra slow downs and database headaches.  We are also using operating system authentication with editor tracking to manage privileges and record an audit trail of changes, some ways of doing this are more efficient than others.

'Suboptimal'  misconfiguration, stack of technologies or check definitions can add delays at every level of the process, leading to extremely frustrating performance.  (e.g. Vertex duplication check = extreme thrashing) I believe we have gone from doing whole of dataset QA that took tens of hours in R&D to tens of minutes in production while also doubling the number of checks done.

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Frequent Contributor

Follow-up to above, here is the response from Esri AU support to specific questions I asked.

Thank you for contacting Esri Australia - Technical Support. My name is A. and I will be assisting with your case. Below are responses to your questions.

1) Are there fixes in later versions/patches of Data Reviewer that are not available to 10.3.1?

Yes each update of ArcGIS Desktop, will include fixes to bugs identified in earlier versions.  Below is an overview of bugs that have been address after 10.3.1.

ArcGIS Desktop 10.4 & 10.4.1: 

BUG-000083979, BUG-000087652, BUG-000090826, BUG-000092615, NIM103890, NIM104780, TFS81021, TFS68388, TFS81362, TFS81392, TFS81397, TFS813969.

ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 and 10.5.1
BUG-000104583, TFS91111, TFS92797, TFS95294, TFS95471, TFS95786, TFS97213, TFS98461.

They can also be source online here.

2) If there are subsequent fixes such as TFS100368 for Data Reviewer that are not available at 10.3.1, is there a plan to do this?  (i.e. future patch 8 and so forth)

No, Esri typically will provide bug fixes for the current version of ArcGIS Desktop. If a bug has been identified at a particular version and is version specific, for example only occurs at 10.3.1, Esri may address fixing the bug at the version it is occurring. This particular bug TFS100368 impacted a number of customers, Esri released a patch specific to address this error and another bug at 10.5. The next release of ArcGIS Desktop - 10.5.1 will automatically include the fixes for bug identified in previous versions. Esri doesn't generally release a patch for older version of ArcGIS Desktop if a bug has been addressed in a newer release.

3) Please confirm whether or not “cumulative maintenance patch for ArcGIS Data Reviewer 10.5” includes all fixes for all versions of ArcGIS Data Reviewer

Yes, installing ArcGIS Desktop 10.5, then the cumulative maintenance patch for ArcGIS Data Reviewer 10.5 will address all bugs fixed in previous versions. (10.4.1, 10.4).

Kind regards,

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