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What widget do you want most

08-05-2014 05:45 AM
MVP Emeritus

I have been working on a few custom widgets for the Web App Builder, but I would like some input as to what widget/functionality people are wanting most.

The WAB has several great OTB widgets but what (realistic) widgets are missing and would be (in your opinion) great to have?

221 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor


Thank you for your work! I cannot wait for the next version of the elevation profile widget.

How about a filter widget?


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MVP Emeritus


   Several people have mentioned a filter widget and I just can't seem to get my head wrapped around the concept. Could you explain in detail what this widget would do and what a workflow would look like?

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MVP Regular Contributor

I am thinking like this Crime Mapper or like the ability of Apply filters or Filtering Your Data | SSP Innovations .

Where you can select a layer and more or less definition query results based on some basic rules.

The background could be use <Field_name> <Operator> <Value, Field or Unique>.

The filter needs to be easy enough for anyone to use. Basically select what you want to see in as drop down options.

I am looking for a way to display, for example, only a type of crime, a day of the week and the year. 

My goal will to have the crime mapper fell to it. Where I can filter a result and have the heat map change based on what I filter out of the map.

If this is not enough detail I can try to explain it better.

Thank you!

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Regular Contributor

Enhanced Table of Contents Widget

I think we need a TOC widget that would allow for grouping feature layers, so you can turn them on and off in groups instead of individually. I produce online utility maps, and I would like our clients to be able to turn on and off all layers in a system instead of doing each separately.

It looks like some work has been done on this topic already, and it's something I've been looking for in the ArcGIS Online web viewer for ages.

Heres the examples I've run across:


Template to use sublayers

Frequent Contributor


I saw this post.  I know I already mentioned this to you but adding the attribute table, or in some way hijacking the attribute table that is present in the WAB, and using that with the eSearch tool in a similar way as the Flex builder would be greatly appreciated.

The current attribute window is ok... but there seems to be a lack of control about what layers get shown in it... not to mention it can be slow since it is trying to find all records in the visible extent.

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MVP Emeritus

​Nicholas, check out Robert's answer in Can attribute table results be limited to map extent by default?   for simple fix for filtering attribute table by extent.  This did the trick for me.

A Few other tips a included in Tips (LocalLayer widgets) for more customization and Updating (may help with others too)   in case any of those tips will help for now.

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Frequent Contributor

Thanks for the info Rebecca… much appreciated!

~ Nick

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Regular Contributor

We would like for the existing Splash Screen Widget to have the capability to splash every time the site is viewed. currently, it writes a cookie and does not appear again when using the same browser, unless cookies are cleared. We need to have it appear every time, even when refreshing the browser, because we have legal and use info that the user must acknowledge each and every time.

Also, in the Finder app, the query tool has a more elegant interface than the existing query tool in web Appbuilder. It would be nice to have this feature as another query widget option available in web appbuilder.

A zoom tool where you can click and drag on an area to zoom would be nice.

MVP Emeritus

Santa Clara County Planning Office,

  For your #1 comment on the splash page. The fix is a simple one where you just comment out 4 lines in the the widget.js.

So here are the steps to do this:

  1. \client\stemapp\widgets\Splash\widget.js in any text editor
  2. Find the Startup function.
  3. comment out lines 90 thru 93.

Result will look like this:

       startup: function() {

        if (this._requireCinfirm) {
          html.addClass(this.okNode, 'disable-btn');
          html.removeClass(this.okNode, 'enable-btn');

        this.own(on(window, 'resize', lang.hitch(this, function() {

        if (!TokenUtils.isInConfigOrPreviewWindow()) {
          /*var isfirst = cookie('isfirst');
          if (isfirst === 'false') {

Regular Contributor

Thank you Robert,

While we are not programmers, and do not have a web server to host these apps, we can certainly comment out code/copy paste, etc so long as the app will continue to be hosted on esri servers. However, we don’t even know where to find the code section to which you refer.

Our comments were directed more towards providing out of the box functionality to customize the splash wizard to display when one accesses the app each and every time, not just the first time. If this involves modifying some lines of code, so long as the resultant app/widget will remain hosted on esri’s web servers, then we welcome the opportunity to try; we would just need a little more guidance as to where these code snippets are located.

Anyway, thanks for your time.

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