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How often Zip Codes updated

03-07-2011 12:00 PM
Emerging Contributor
It seems that there is almost always a new zip code added every month. My question is how often does ESRI update all of the zip codes in the United States and are they available with the Business Analyst updates or are they only available when there is a new release of Business Analyst?

Thanks in advance,
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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

For the Business Analyst products the zip codes are updated when ESRI releases there current year dataset.  The USPS updates their zip codes quarterly.  Generally the zip codes in the ESRI dataset vintage wise tend to be from the Jan-Feb time frame.

ESRI does sell bi-annually and quarterly zip code boundary updates.

This is a census release year so it does not follow this time frame as the Census Bureau will not finish releasing all of the demographic data till mid to late summer so currently we are looking at BAO being updated in the Fall and with Business Analyst Desktop in the mid-winter time frame (naturally subject to change since this is pretty far off).
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