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Location allocation model: Arcinfo workstation to ArcGIS

06-09-2011 05:13 AM
Status: Open
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Legendary Contributor

Location allocation model

It is used to find the best location for certain facility depending on the identified needs


In arcinfo/workstation, we can apply “location allocation model by providing:


-        A polygon layer with an attribute represents the needs

-        The number of facilities required to correspond to the needs


The result will be:

The best locations for the facilities that achieve the optimal site. A spider map is produced.


Network Analyst (ArcGIS 10) can do part of the question but not in the conditions and logic described above!!!!


My repeated question:


Why we don’t have in ArcGIS all what’s there in ArcInfo workstation???????


Thank you






In workstation ARC/INFO, the polygons were treated as points (at their centroids) and straight line distances were used to compute the distances between them. At the time these options were implemented, street data was not very common. In ArcGIS 10, you can use Feature To Point GP tool to turn polygons to points (which workstation did behind the scenes) and then you will have to use a street network dataset to help compute the distances. Nowadays street data is available for most places and provides better results then simply straight line distances.
Jay Sandhu

Hi Jay,


The tool that is used to be in ArcInfo Workstation can be used for design (best location). It answers the question of where is the best location of a particular facility based on demand and minimum travel distance (this can be the actual roads instead of aerial distanc).


It would be great if you manage guys to bring this tool to Pro such that the following question can be answered


Where is the best location to contract 5 new hospitals in different zones in a city considering the demand (population) and minimum travel distance?