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ArcGlobe and ArcGIS Explorer need to be faster at rendering

06-08-2011 09:50 AM
Status: Open
Deactivated User

ArcGlobe looks like a useful tool for working with 3D data. However, it is frustrating to use - the navigation controls and rendering speed does not compare to Google Earth. I don't have the patience to wait for ArcGlobe to pan or tilt (especially when I sometimes pan/zoom the wrong way becuase I'm used to the simplicity of Google Earth). For viewing 3D data, I'd rather use Google Earth Pro.

For ArcGIS Explorer, I like the different base maps available (much better than Google Earth). But again, when it comes to navigating and rendering the data, ArcGIS Explorer is too slow and frustrating. Google Earth wins hands down here. When people in my office ask me to recommend a good GIS viewing application, I always recommend Google Earth because it's fast and easy to navigate around (it's very intuitive). The only downfall for Google Earth is the lack of availability of different base datasets. But I cannot recommend ArcGIS Explorer due to it's slow navigation.

More work needs to be done on both ArcGlobe and ArcGIS Explorer to make the navigation and rendering faster and smoother. Google Earth and Google Earth Pro are the best products for data visualization. When I need to use ArcGlobe or ArcGIS Explorer, I prefer to get in and get out as quick as possible, saving Google Earth for most of my visualization of GIS data.

The same goes for ArcGIS Desktop: Increase display speed.
May depend on your system, fast on mine:
Dell Optiplex 960
Intel Core TM 2 duo cpu
E8400 @ 3.00GHz
2.99GHz, 3.25GB of RAM
What are your specs and how do they compare to the requirements?

My system is relatively fast:
Intel Core2 Duo - each E6550 2.33 GHz
2 GB of RAM

But this shouldn't matter. My point is that Google Earth controls, renders, and navigates with blinding speed on this computer - and is even pretty good on my super-slow computer at home. This simply shows that the engine behind Google Earth is light-years ahead of anything that ESRI has produced.

ESRI has some great tools for anaylsis, etc. But for quick navigation and smooth control over 3D lanscapes, Google Earth wins easily.

ESRI needs to match Google Earth for it's speed and usuability.

I agree the navigation is too slow ... but what are our options for viewing subsurface data?