ArcGIS Online - seeing more of My Content

11-04-2017 02:23 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

I would like to see more of My Content in ArcGIS Online.  I can presently only see 5 folders.  Ways of allowing more content to be seen include:

  • Letting the user expand the width and/or length of panel 1.
  • Having the filtering options (2) as buttons / options displayed horizontally above panel 1 (not unlike the setup of the contents pane in ArcMap).
  • Making the filtering options (2) as buttons / options displayed horizontally above 3.
  • Offering a new view not unlike the full ArcCatalog tree view.
  • Allowing a "classic view" option which shows the view we had prior to the last update.

Thank you for your consideration.