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Cancel Buttons That Works In ArcGIS Desktop

02-05-2016 04:44 PM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Deactivated User

Most tools have a cancel button but the majority either do not work or take a very long time to cancel the operation.  All tools should have a cancel button that works consistently and fast.

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People have been asking for an improvement in the cancellation button for at least 5 years now as indicated by this idea!

It drives me nuts, it is often quicker to kill the application with task manager, wait for the painfully slow load of ArcMap, load you MXD and then start again.

I really wish ESRI would do something about it. If it is a design flaw in the application they should state that or try to over come it.


The idea that Duncan linked to above had been marked Partially Implemented on the old community ideas site so was archived during migration.  This was the closing comment:

"Cancel is getting better with each release - but the progress is on a per tool basis. It cannot be fixed magically for all tools at once since each tool developer evaluates and improves the "cancelability" of their tools. This is work continues across a large number of developers on many teams.  This Idea has been marked Partially Implemented because many, many tools have gotten better Cancel since the idea was submitted in 2012."

For those following this idea, since the processes that run are different for different tools, and some of those may be more "cancellable" than others, if you are able to provide more details about which tool and in what circumstances it won't cancel, that would make the idea more actionable.

Thank you!

Status changed to: Closed

Per Kory's comment above, this idea does not currently offer actionable recommendations for which tools Cancel should be improved. The note that "Cancel is getting better with each release" remains true, as we take prioritized requests when users encounter tools which are not cancelable. Some tool algorithms remain difficult to cancel in the middle of memory intensive processing. Please report any specific tool issues related to cancelation to Esri Support.