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October 2016 GeoMentor Spotlight: Andy Mink

10-06-2016 08:04 AM
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October 2016 GeoMentor Spotlight:

Andy Mink; Vice President of Education, National Humanities Center


What was your favorite class in K-12? government

How did you first learn about and/or use GIS? In 2006, I designed and led a project in which middle and secondary level history teachers were trained in how to use GIS tools to meet best practice research and teaching strategies for United States history. We discovered quickly that the data was slim and not organized along history topics, so much of the project was creating the data sets. We saw the power of student inquiry using GIS in the classroom as they interrogated the maps rather than viewed them statically.
Name one thing you love about GIS and/or geography (I know, just one!): I am fascinated by the concept of someplace. Each of us has a personal geography that impacts who we are and how we view the world. I believe that these sensibilities are strongly reflective of a sense of place.
Why did you want to volunteer as a GeoMentor? I am constantly looking to support and partner with like-minded educators who are interested in developing innovative instructional approaches and materials. I hope that my experience in this field will be both aspirational and practical for my colleagues.
What kind of GeoMentor volunteer opportunity and experience are you looking for? Rather than script the opportunity, I’d rather meet and collaborate with others who have the same interest in exploring interdisciplinary teaching at the K-16 level.
If someone asked you why they should learn about GIS and/or geography, how would you respond in one sentence? Because you can answer the question: why there?
Twitter username: @Mink_ED

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