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GeoMentors Case Study: Rich S.: GIS for World Regional Geography; Undergraduate; Illinois

10-06-2016 08:41 AM
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GeoMentor Case Study: Dr. Rich S.

City/State of School, School District, or Group: Oakton Communtiy College, Skokie, IL

Grade level of students you or your educator collaborator work/worked with: Undergraduate

Subject/topic of class/group you assisted your collaborator with: Valerie is adding GIS components to her World Regional Course at Oakton Community College. I have shared resources with her to be able to do that.

Approximately how many students were engaged in GIS activities through this collaboration: Valeri's classes will have approximately 25 students each.

How did you connect with your collaborator? I saw Valerie's name and contact info on the Esri site map as someone who desired to have a GeoMentor.

Describe your collaboration process. Have emailed numerous times and have formally met once for two hours. We will continue to meet as she is located nearby my institution.

Describe the tasks you assisted your collaborator with. Valerie needed to learn about the use of ArcGIS Online for use in her World Regional Geography course. I showed her numerous resources and encouraged her to take the T3G in 2017. We will continue to work together in an ongoing basis as long as she desires the guidance.

What available resources, if any, did you use or help your collaborator use to implement GIS in K-12 education? I introduced her to GeoInquiries, Thinking Spatially, the T3G resources and sites and other Esri sites such as ArcLessons.

Did you develop any new educational material or GIS activities through your collaboration? Valerie is developing her own exercises for her World Regional Geography course at Oakton Community College in Skokie, IL using the resources I provided for her.

What did you gain from the experience? What do you think your educator collaborator and/or the students gained? This is an ongoing valuable experience and one in which I am excited to see progress. My mentee has the opportunity to pass along GIS skills to a number of community college students who may eventually transfer to my institution to complete their baccalaureate degree in GIS. We are building that pipeline!

Any additional comments about your experience? Great experience as a GeoMentor and helping my mentee. I am excited to see this develop and grow.

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