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AAG-Esri ConnectED GeoMentors Program Activities at the AAG Annual Meeting

04-16-2015 11:58 AM
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The AAG-Esri ConnectED GeoMentors Program will officially launch at the AAG 2015 Annual Meeting in Chicago.  Attendees can learn more about the program and sign up to be a GeoMentor through program activities throughout the week.

  • Look for GeoMentors Program ads on the AAG 2015 Mobile App and in the printed program
  • Find GeoMentors program information in your registration materials, including a sign-up form
  • Interact with AAG staff at the GeoMentors Program poster at all poster sessions
  • Visit the AAG booth to find program materials and speak with staff about the program
  • Talk to Esri staff about the program at their booth in the exhibition hall
  • Attend a panel session about ConnectED featuring Esri and AAG program representatives who will provide more details about this initiative:

K-12 Education ConnectED with Geography through ArcGIS Online

Thursday, April 23, 2015, 3:20 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Columbus EF, Hyatt Regency Chicago, East Tower, Gold Level

  • Attend a panel session about education policy featuring AAG program representatives:

Advancing Geography in Federal K-12 Policy Reforms

Friday, April 24, 2015, 8:00 a.m. – 9:40 a.m.

Roosevelt, Hyatt Regency Chicago, East Tower, Ped Path

The AAG encourages its members to consider volunteering as a GeoMentor and help make a difference in  improving GIS and geographic learning in schools.  Visit for more information, or sign up to be a GeoMentor directly at

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About the Author
Senior Research Geographer with the Association of American Geographers; Map Nerd