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Q & A’s | Responding to Drought: A Green Story

06-03-2015 01:58 PM

Q & A’s | Responding to Drought: A Green Story

Here are the questions and answers from the Esri Water Meetup, Responding to Drought: A Green Story.

  • Q1: Since you have been saving water for a while now, what impact to your public landscapes by further reductions do you expect? We in City of San Diego are in a similar situation and will be allowing turf in our parks to die.
  • A1: We expect a lot of brown turf areas.  In the parks we are considering turning off non-sports turf areas but we haven’t made a final decision yet.  We are also considering using water trucks and recycled water on our turfed medians.

  • Q2: Have you thought about using ArcGIS Online to produce your web application map?
  • A2: We are using some data and basemap from ArcGIS Online. However the gauge that is showing the consumption is something that I could not locate in the examples or in ArcGIS online. The meter needed to show Negative values as well as positive, all of the examples I found for gauges only had the capability to display positive values. The other function was a month selector, most of the calendar functions I saw were date selectors.

  • Q3: Do you take your GIS mapping to the irrigation zone level?
  • A3: Currently we have in our parks (still in progress) but not the streetscapes those areas are next in line.

  • Q4: Are you using GIS for any other landscape mapping?
  • A4: We have mapped the entire network of landscaped areas in the City.

  • Q5: Does your water management database integrate with you irrigation central control system?
  • A5: The integration is between the weather station, central control, and field controllers. There is no integration between those components and our water management system.

  • Q6: Can you provide more information about the code mash-ups used to enhance Lucity and "out-of-the-box" Esri capabilities? Joe Field covered it but it went a little too fast for me to get a good feel for what was used, and how it was used.
  • A6: The web map was built off the base example of ArcGIS Javascript API web map. The additions were two libraries; DHTMLX and Sonic-gauge.

The DHTMLX is a Javascript framework that was used to build the month selection calendar.  We used this to build a custom month selector calendar tool.

Sonic Gauge is a JSQUERY library ( that provided me with a gauge that was both positive and negative.

For the Lucity enhancement I have a GeoProcessing service that joins the Lucity data tables to the meter feature class by year, allowing the map to display the monthly water consumption for each meter.

Still have questions? Post a comment below.

Version history
Last update:
‎06-03-2015 01:58 PM
Updated by:
Anonymous User