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Fumika, Japan

04-30-2020 12:07 PM

Fumika, Japan

Fumika, Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit

x2020 x2020Scholar  x2020Talk  xAsia xJapan  xBiodiversity xEducation xYouth  xTaxonomy  xBiogeography  xSpecies  xLandscape  xDistribution  xStatistics  xEcosystem  xModelling xArcGIS

As a lover of maps, atlases and satellite images from a young age and an interest in environmental issues, I believe that conservation GIS is a field that I am meant to pursue as my long term goal. Through working at my first research job after my degree in Environmental Geography, I have gained a foundational knowledge of using GIS applications (ArcGIS) and GIS in R to generate and analyse local-scale datasets. As I look towards generating regional and national-scale datasets, I am in need of technical knowledge to optimize workflow, handle geodatabases and publish the datasets online in an interactive format.

Describe your current GIS Interests:

I have been learning it for around 3 years. I learnt GIS using ArcGIS (v10), The workflows that I am most comfortable with are:

  • Data preparation:
    • Georeferencing and digitisation of various data sources, such as delineating vegetation extent from aerial images and digitizing points (eg. discrete depth and height measurements) from maps.
  • Analysis:
    • Shoreline change analysis using Digital Shoreline Analysis System
    • Interpolation of discrete points to infer bathymetry and topography
    • Quantify areal change in vegetation
  • Figure creation and spatial data visualisation:
    • I enjoy creating location maps, consolidating data layers from various sources and presenting them in a simple and informative way.

I am most interested in gaining the following GIS skills:

  1. Improving and optimizing GIS workflow: Since most of my ArcGIS workflow throughout university was focused on local, system-scale analyses, I have not had the need to optimize the workflow (although it would have made my life easier!). However, as I look towards generating large-scale environmental layers (as part of my work and student project for this Program), I would like to learn how to manipulate raster in GIS and more crucially, learn how to build/manage geodatabases and automate workflow with Python.
  2. Web GIS: Since it is important to publish datasets and results, the logical next skill that I would like to learn is webmapping. I am especially interested in learning ArcGIS JavaScript API which would allow users to interact with maps through a browser. I find this especially important, since my love for GIS was initially sparked by spending hours looking at GoogleEarth and being fascinated by what I saw.


I belong to the Biodiversity & Biocomplexity Unit, which seeks to understand the diversity and dynamics of living systems. Several projects are currently being conducted, ranging from a long-term ecological monitoring program in Okinawa, to an international collaborative research on mapping global ant diversity.

Version history
Last update:
‎02-15-2022 05:04 AM
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