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Tomomi Kudo, Japan

05-09-2019 11:31 AM

Tomomi Kudo, Japan

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Tomomi Kudo, EnVision (Conservation Office) , Japan    2016 Scholar

2016 Conference Paper Abstract: "The relation between seasonal migration and snow depth."d

Abstract: Sika deer inhabit Hokkaido. Recently, it has been proven that an increase in population size influence the environment in number of ways. The Ministry of the Environment have fitted a number of Sika deer with GPS collars in a number of locations in Hokkaido, clarifying movement patterns.
    Almost all Sika deer move between summer and winter ranges. Seasonal migration patterns are influenced by a number of environmental factors. By choosing satellite images taken around the time at the seasonal migration I hope to. I want to make contribution in regards to the factors determine what influences and conditions exist for these migrations from the point of view of biodiversity conservation."

2016 Presentation -pdf

2016 Video -mp4 


2016 Scholar Profile:

EnVision (Conservation Office) , Japan
*-Organization full street address (in your local format): 5-2 Kita-9 Nishi-4 Kita-ku Sapporo Hokkaido 060-0809 JAPAN
*-Country: JAPAN
*-Work phone with country and area code: +81(11)-726-3072
*-Work fax with country and area code: +81(11)-726-3072
*-Main email:
*-Organization Web site URL if any:

As a young child, I often witnessed wildlife-related traffic accidents as well as the disappearances of groups of raccoon dogs from their nests due to nearby construction works.From experiences like these I started feeling a certain discomfort regarding in the human-wildlife dynamic. I've always loved nature and wild animals, but I consciously started consuming more news about human-wildlife conflicts around this period, realizing that these conflicts occur all around us. I wanted to become an active part of the solution to these sorts of conflicts, which is what made me want participate in conservation efforts.

I then selected a university where I could learn about environmental problems with a focus on involving local people in the conservation process.There I learned biodiversity conservation, wildlife management etc. In my graduation thesis I focused on the conservation of a park located within a national park.This park is located within a national park but wasn't managed by any rules.In spite of the important nature remaining in the area, the local people were not aware of the parks appeal.The Japanese crayfish, which is an endangered species in Japan, came very close to disappearing due to the careless park management who were unaware of the existence of Japanese crayfish in the park. By getting the local people to recognize the existence of the Japanese crayfish. In the park is connected to the conservation of it, in order to achieve this I created a pamphlet with photos of, and information about, the animal along with a map of the park. In order to accomplish this I learned how to used GIS to create an accurate, convincing map.

I've been involved with GIS and environmental conservation for the last 2 years.
I met a lot of people involved with, and with a wide variety of knowledge concerning, environmental conservation. At the same time I felt that not many were aware of GIS, nor its capabilities. Digitalizing, "in-storage" and unused data and making it into valuable data is one of the strong points of GIS. By accumulating and sharing GIS data one is able to create extremely convincing data.These data can then be used to connect people with GIS thus tying in to future environmental conservation. In Japan there are almost no opportunities to learn GIS in English, being able to explain GIS in English enables me to communicate with more people.Being able to receive this scholarship and participate in this training program will greatly help me with my future goals. I hope to be able to use this experience upon returning home by teaching conservation GIS techniques in English to, for example JICA exchange students. I want to contribute to environment conservation as a GIS analyst by connecting people dfrom around the world. This is further helped on by the fact that our organization have connections with a multitude of people and organizations such as, administrative organs, specialists, universities and local communities amongst others.

describe what is the most unique and the most challenging about the conservation/GIS work that you do:
I feel a sense of accomplishment when I'm able to create map which purpose is clear and is in need of little explaining.GIS can help people see and understand things which can't be perceived by the human eye. This is one of the strong points of GIS but also very difficult to accomplish, depending on the design and data used the map'simpression is changed easily. To create an accurate, easy-to-understand map which meets the needs is an important step in spreading knowledge about environmental problems.

EnVision Conservation Office was started as a volunteer group in 1997 and became a non-profit organization in 2004. The main objective of the office is conservation of natural environment. EnVision Conservation Office approaches environmental problems by filling in the gaps in society and building networks between them. We seek new approaches in environmental conservation and develop/suggest the finest preservation strategies to bound people & people, information & information, local & global, people & nature, and the past & the future.



We are mostly active on Hokkaido, the northern-most island of Japan, with a natural environment differing from the main island of Japan boasting a variety of endemic and rare species. As such we operate within a wide variety of environments, some influenced by human activity. Within this varied area that is Hokkaido, we are mostly involved with the increasing damage that the Sika deer are involved with. EnVision Conservation Office employs around 15 employees, not counting the seasonal employees from local communities, universities, NPOs. Recently we’re experiencing an influx in work from outside of Hokkaido.

Furthermore, EnVision engages in international cooperation in the form of supporting JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) programs. Every year we accept around 10 people facing biodiversity conservation problems.Not only do we introduce GIS techniques but we also introduce wildlife problems faced in Japan, as well as facilities education using GIS. Our organization are involved in a wide number of activities relating to environmental conservation such as promoting data sharing , environmental education and international cooperation.

This is my second year at this organization. I'm responsible for collecting and maintaining GIS data that is useful for conservation, as well as making that data available for anyone in the office. As such I'm interested in making "easy-to-understand"-maps. I have a lot of opportunity hand in GIS data which is make or edit work with administrative organ. I learn how to create data understandable. In my role at my work place I'm responsible for creating maps that will be of use to a number of parties concerned with conservation.


xWildlife xMammal xEducation xCitizenScience   x2019 xChapter xJapan xWomen xPOC x2016Scholar  x2016Talk  xTalk  xScholar  xAsia

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