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This Week's Picks - ArcGIS Online #8

02-04-2020 10:29 AM
by Anonymous User
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3 0 855

For those new to this series, "This Week's Picks" is a (loosely) biweekly blog where I share some of my favorite ArcGIS Online content with you.


If you are interested in earlier posts, they’re archived here: This Week's Picks - ArcGIS Online: Archive 



YouTube is an incredible platform for learning. From how to tie a tie (relied upon heavily for job interviews after undergrad) to how to play guitar, there are short videos on how to do just about everything. No surprise there are a lot of great how-to videos for ArcGIS Online workflows - the picks for this week highlight three new, relevant videos on using Living Atlas layers to analyze Australia's wildfires, uploading tile layers and tile packages to ArcGIS Online, and preserving relationships based on GlobalID/GUID fields when appending records. 

Use Living Atlas layers to analyze Australia's wildfires

Joseph Kerski recorded this timely how-to video on leveraging Living Atlas layers to analyze Australia's tragic wildfires. Joseph is a master educator (the video is tailored towards teachers and researchers); after watching the video I felt like I not only knew how to map wildfires, but also better understood spectral bands and satellite data collection. 

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Uploading tile layers and tile packages to ArcGIS Online

Esri Canada's Céline Doré created this helpful video on how to push tile layers and packages into ArcGIS Online. My favorite part (Céline does a great job explaining this workflow) was the demonstration of the sequence of geoprocessing tools to use in ArcGIS Pro to turn larger imagery layers into tile packages, and finally into hosted tile layers in ArcGIS Online. 

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Preserve GlobalID/GUID relationships when appending records

After seeing several GeoNet posts with questions about appending records with relationships based on GlobalID/GUID fields (the central issue is that appended records are assigned a new GlobalID, becoming disassociated from their related records), I recorded this how-to video of a workflow James Tedrick designed to preserve relationships during the append. This is a workflow that shouldn't need to be used frequently but is good to have in your back pocket if you end up with two Hosted Feature Layers/Feature Classes with GlobalID/GUID relationships that need to be combined into one. 

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Hopefully the selection of how-to videos provides some visual guidance on the workflows! Let me know below  any questions, comments, or if there is any content you want to see in the future. Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for This Week's Picks - ArcGIS Enterprise and This Week's Picks - ArcGIS Pro!

If you're interested, I would love to connect on LinkedIn. You can follow me on Twitter as well. I regularly post / tweet GIS(ish) content to these platforms.

Have a good rest of your week, and see you after President's day ~
