What's Coming in ArcGIS Online - March 2019

03-07-2019 03:53 PM
by Anonymous User
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On the evening of March 19, we plan to update ArcGIS Online. Here are five new capabilities to anticipate:

  • Encourage viewers to explore your data using the upcoming Interactive Legend configurable app. This app enables viewers to not only read the legend but also touch the data. Giving viewers the opportunity to turn layers on and off, highlight, and filter data through the map legend helps them recognize what is occurring in the map.

Interactive Legend Configurable App

  • When searching for items, you will notice a new location filter. Specify a place or region of interest and see only items for that location. This filter works by referencing map extents (geographic boundaries for items). Also, item search will be more efficient and flexible. For example, suggested and partial word searches will be supported for titles.

New Location Filter

  • Bring your own or publicly shared maps, layers, or apps together using the upcoming Category Gallery configurable app. This app is an excellent way to organize your items into categories and allow viewers to interact with your items. The categories give viewers the flexibility to filter and find relevant items.

Category Gallery Configurable App

  • You will be able to create feature layers from photos that contain location data. Simply upload a file of JPEG photos with geotags and publish as a hosted feature layer. Use the layer in your maps and apps.


  • Group owners and managers will be able to help users quickly find what they are looking for by specifying the type of items (such as apps or maps) that display by default on the group's content and overview tabs.

Please note that all planned updates are subject to change. A comprehensive list of implemented changes will be provided in our What's New email, blog, and documentation. Visit the ArcGIS blog to learn more about what's coming and new.

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