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Collector for ArcGIS 10.4.1 (Android) Released

01-13-2017 05:48 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
4 4 1,257

Collector for ArcGIS v10.4.1 (Android) released on the evening of January 12th into both Google Play and the Amazon App Store. It includes a series of stability improvements as well as minor enhancements like integration with the recently released Android version of Navigator for ArcGIS and the soon to be released Android version of Workforce for ArcGIS.

You can find additional details about the release in the What's New topic on the Collector documentation site.

About the Author
I am the Group Product Engineering Lead for our Field Apps team at Esri. I work with an amazing team building out our field solutions. Please feel free to ask me anything about ArcGIS Field Maps, Workforce, and Navigator.