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Announcing ArcGIS Pro 1.3.1 Update

08-19-2016 11:21 AM
Esri Contributor
6 14 5,807

A new patch update of ArcGIS Pro 1.3 is now available for download from My Esri. For those running earlier versions of ArcGIS Pro, you can also update your existing ArcGIS Pro software from the in-app update notification. For details about the in-app update notification, check out the following blog: How to Apply ArcGIS Pro Software Updates.


ArcGIS Pro 1.3.1 is a targeted patch release that fixes the following issues:


  • Certain large multipatch feature classes cause the Create Scene Layer Package tool to crash, or complete with missing textures (BUG-000097551).
  • ArcGIS Pro 1.3 crashes on Windows 7 machines when running the Calculate Field tool on a feature service (BUG-000097870).
  • ArcGIS Pro may crash when closing a map if its rotated after performing certain edits (BUG-000098376).
  • When aggregating data, Optimized Hot Spot Analysis only honors the number of unique input point locations rather than the actual count of points (BUG-000098380).