Just over a month ago, we opened the door to a new tool that provides the Mining industry with immeasurable amounts of information and technical support for ArcGIS at all levels of the platform.
Got a question? Send it to our technical staff by placing it right into the question area on the right-hand side of the home page or on the Content tab.
Looking for a more involved discussion about industry-specific challenges? Start a discussion with the other mining users on the page. Or check out conversations others have already started - you may just find what you're looking for!
You can also find our educational webinars and links to the Esri Mining page right here on GeoNet!
Need information on specific products? You can find just about everything you need by searching GeoNet. Here's just a few I think you might like:
This Space was designed with you, our users, in mind and we invite you to make it yours through comments, asking questions and suggesting additional content.