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Continuous zoom in / out

03-11-2024 07:45 AM
New Contributor

According to de documentation(Navigate a map view ) continuous zooming on a map with single finger double-tap and vertical up/down drag should be possible, but it seems to be not working.

Will this be available soon?


2 Replies
Esri Contributor


Currently, the ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin doesn't support "single finger double-tap and vertical up/down drag". Seems like an oversight on the doc. 

Do you have a use case on how you plan to use it in your app separately from the other gestures. We can consider for our upcoming releases.


New Contributor

I don't have a specific use case.

We are developing two apps for iOS and Android and it would be great for the user experience if the map interactions would be the same in both apps. On iOS this gesture is supported and it would be nice if ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin would also support this gesture.

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