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Query Layer Issue - Not behaving properly in ArcMap

12-21-2017 12:03 PM
Occasional Contributor


I am using ArcMap 10.4.1.  If I go to File -> Add Data ->Add Query layer I can fill out everything, validate it, and hit ok - then it starts to run and ArcMap Crashes.   I can use the "Make Query (Data Management)" Tool and successfully create a Query Layer, but it does Not show up in "Layers" in the TOC .  See Screenshot.   

The data is there, and I can use the identify tool to get information about the polygons.  If i switch to List by Source, Visibility, or Selection in the TOC, sometimes the Query Layer will appear there and sometimes it won't.  If I open an existing mxd with a query layer already in it, I can modify the Query and everything functions correctly.  Any thoughts as to what is going on?



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19 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Have you checked the files for possible errors? could be geometry errors (use Check Geometry tool)

You could also try exporting it to a new featureclass (Copy Features) and see if the copy behaves badly as well

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Occasional Contributor

have tried exporting, and the new feature class throws errors.  my coworker can create the same query layer with no issue....wondering if it's my ArcMap..

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MVP Regular Contributor
  • Is it only happening on your machine?
  • Is the issue with only one particular data or any data?
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Occasional Contributor

I have tested it out on two other computers and the query layer worked just fine which leads me to believe it's something to do with my computer.  When trying to create query layers on my machine, nothing works no matter what data I am using.

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MVP Emeritus

It could be something with your installation or your profile, but I suspect the first.  From your windows access point to Install/Remove programs, go there, then when asked, try a 'Repair' to see if repairing the installation works.

I assume that you have the same permissions as all others and you have cleaned up all the trash that accumulates at the operating system level

Occasional Contributor

i cleared all my caches, uninstalled arcmap completely and's still happening... might need to call tech support 😕

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Occasional Contributor

Update: I have uninstalled and reinstalled ArcMap, and installed a 10.4.1 SQL patch and Desktop patch I found.  I also deleted my normal.mxt and now ArcMap Crashes when I try to create a query layer using either method.  I can still, however, open mxd's with query layers in them already, and they seem to function fine.  These query layers work on other machines.... running out of ideas..

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MVP Emeritus

that leaves your machine if everything works on every other machine but yours when you log in as you on those machines...

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Occasional Contributor just have to figure out what on my machine is causing it....

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