Use device variable (date and time) for the file name of a photo taken with QuickCapture and/or edit file name of a photo taken with QuickCapture

05-24-2023 11:01 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

I would like to create meaningful file names for photos taken with QuickCapture - either by using the date and time of the photo capture and/or by providing the option to create a file name for the photo when taking it.

Currently, photos captured via QuickCapture and exported as attachments (from a downloaded geodatabase)  are assigned meaningless file names as per the  ATT_NAME field in the attachments table:



I would like to change the names of the *.jpg files in the ATT_NAME table to be <date_time>.jpg or <free text desc>.jpg at the time of photo capture

NB: the script I use to export the attachments also uses the values in the  ATTACHMENTID field of the attachments table as a prefix in the photo file name : 




1 Comment

Agree with this idea. Something generic by default like yyyymmddhhmmss

20230525061632 would be helpful for us. 

Then from there, maybe we could use Arcade to stitch in a project or button user input. We’d probably add team name and squad as a prefix so we know who and when the photo was taken MOTF1_1_20230525061632. This would be unique enough of a file name in most situations.

I don’t know enough about how photos get created as attachments to know if this is possible, but it definitely would help with attachment management and archiving.