Zoom Button are not working after update

2 weeks ago
New Contributor


We are using arcgis js sdk within our angular (17) application. We updated from @ArcGIS/core@4.28.9 to @ArcGIS/core@4.29.10 we realized that the zoom buttons are (most of the time) not working. Meaning by clicking on the "+" button the zoom level does not change. Using the mouse wheel to zoom works fine.

When downgrading to the older version the buttons work like intended.


I also created an example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-tlrh2e?file=package.json


To downgrade arcgis run:



npm uninstall @ArcGIS/core
npm install @ArcGIS/core@4.28.9




Many thanks in advanced



Edit: Duplicate of https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-javascript-maps-sdk-questions/zoom-buttons-don-t-work-in-angula...  => Workaround see: https://github.com/Esri/jsapi-resources/tree/main/esm-samples/jsapi-angular-cli#known-issues

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