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VersionManagementService - getting a single version info

02-07-2024 03:33 AM
New Contributor

Hello :).

I am trying to get a single version's data. There are two methods in VersionManagementService as documented: getVersionInfos() and getVersionInfosExtended(). The first one returns all varsions from a particular service while the second one is supposed to return a single version's data. The problem is that that method - getVersionInfosExtended - in undefined for some reason (although TypeScript suggests it). I am importing the class like so:

import VersionManagementService from '@arcgis/core/versionManagement/VersionManagementService';

So I am curious if there is some bug with 4.28.10 version of @ArcGIS/core package?

Thanks for help in advance :).

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